Business Leaders Survey

A monthly survey of service firms in New York State, northern New Jersey and southwestern Connecticut, conducted by the New York Fed.


Note: Survey responses were collected between July 3 and July 10.

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Activity continued to edge slightly lower in the region’s service sector, according to firms responding to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s July 2024 Business Leaders Survey. The survey’s headline business activity index held steady at -4.5. The business climate index was little changed at -25.4, suggesting the business climate remains worse than normal. Employment growth continued to pick up, and wages increased at a similar pace to the prior few months. Supply availability was unchanged. Input and selling price increases remained moderate, while capital spending declined for a second consecutive month. Looking ahead, optimism about the six-month outlook waned.

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Released at or shortly after 8:30 a.m.


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The Business Leaders Survey is a monthly survey conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that asks companies across its District - which includes New York State, Northern New Jersey, and Fairfield County, Connecticut - about recent and expected trends in key business indicators. This survey is designed to parallel the Empire State Manufacturing Survey, though it covers a wider geography and the questions are slightly different. Participants from the service sector respond to a questionnaire and report on a variety of indicators, both in terms of recent and expected changes. While January 2014 is the first published report, survey responses date back to September of 2004 and all historical data are available on our website.

The survey is sent on the first business day of each month to the same pool of about 150 business executives, usually the president or CEO, in the region's service sector. In a typical month, about 100 responses are received by around the tenth of the month when the survey closes.

For demonstration only:
Sample survey PDF 3 pages / 44 kb

Respondents come from a wide range of industries outside of the manufacturing sector, with the mix of respondents closely resembling the industry structure of the region.

The survey's headline index, general business activity, is a distinct question posed on the survey (as opposed to a composite of responses to other questions). Currently, no indexes are seasonally adjusted since none of the series exhibits stable seasonal patterns from a statistical perspective.

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Questions about survey/data: [email protected] or (716) 849-5025

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